Promotional Scenario #3

Promotional Scenario #3

You are the company officer of an engine company responding in with the second alarm assignment to a reported structure. While enroute to the fire, the Incident Commander radios you to protect the exposure building(s) on the “Delta” side of the fire.

Test Question:
As the company officer, explain your actions and the options you will seek in order to meet this request.


Answer key:

  • Acknowledge the order
  • Advise all members of the assignment
  • While enroute, review water supply (main) maps
  • Establish a water supply on a large water main outside the immediate tactical zone
  • Report to the Delta Division supervisor (if present)
  • Stretch a 2-1/2 inch hoseline and/or master stream device to the Delta exposure(s)
  • Bath/wet the exposed surface of the D exposure
  • If an option, consider stretching hoselines into the D exposure
  • If an option, supply the exposure buildings protective systems (sprinkle, standpipe)
  • If an option, remove combustibles away from exposed windows
  • If an option, ventilate the exposure building opposite the exposed side
  • Maintain crew integrity
  • Monitor the fire ground radio frequency
  • Provide the Division supervisor or Command with a progress report

References: Fireground Size-Up, Chief Terpak, Jersey City
Chapter 8, page 297